Попалась более-менее вменяемая статья с разбором того, как электромагнитоное излучение
влияет на пчёл. Характерное отличие данной статьи --- научный подход и отсутствие истеричности, домыслов
и нездоровой сенсационности.
на русском:===> https://habr.com/ru/post/426361/ <=== полный текст статьи
со ссылкой на публикации:
S. Sainudeen Sahib*
* PG & Research Dept. of Zoology, S. N. College, Kollam-691001, Kerala, INDIA. E-mail: sainudeenpattazhy@hotmail.com
[Sainudeen Sahib, S. 2011. Impact of mobile phone on the density of Honey Bees. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 6 (1): 396-399]
ABSTRACT: Apiculture has developed in to an important industry in India as honey and bee-wax have become common products.
Recently a sharp decline in population of honey bees has been observed in Kerala. Although the bees are susceptible to diseases
and attacked by natural enemies like wasps, ants and wax moth, constant vigilance on the part of the bee keepers can overcome
these adverse conditions. The present plunge in population (< 0.01) was not due to these reasons.
It was caused by man due to unscientific proliferation of towers and mobile phones.KEY WORDS: Electromagnetic radiation, Apiculture, Colony collapse disorder.
полный текст статьи: http://www.munisentzool.org/yayin/vol6/ … 96-399.pdf
Buzzfeeds: the effects of colony collapse disorder and other bee news
Concerned about the worldwide bee crisis?
Introducing Buzzfeeds, a weekly analysis with our resident bee expertIn the past six years, more than 10m beehives have been wiped out from a mystery disease
called colony collapse disorder. This destruction has serious implications on worldwide ecology and economy.Of the 100 crop species responsible for providing 90% of food worldwide, 71 are dependent
on bee pollination, according to UN estimates (pdf). It's difficult to pinpoint the financial implications
of this destruction, but the international body says pollination is worth between $37bn and $91bn, annually.Stories about the declining population and its effect on the environment trickle through the news cycle each week.
To bring awareness to these stories and contextualize the issues, we will highlight the major bee-related stories
every Tuesday, with analysis from The Guardian's Alison Benjamin, co-author of A World Without Bees,
Bees in the City: The Urban Beekeepers' Handbook and Keeping Bees and Making Honey.
She is also a beekeeper.
https://www.theguardian.com/environment … e-disorder
The Effect of Cell Phone Radiations on the Life Cycle of Honeybees
Conference Paper (PDF Available) · July 2013 with 7,026 Reads
DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6625032
Conference: IEEE EUROCON 2013As many other species, honeybees are becoming extinct in the world; this phenomenon is called the Colony Collapse Disorder.
Many reasons have been proven to be behind this environmental disaster like climate changes, pesticides, fungal pathogens
and others, in addition to radiations generated by mobile phones, especially, since in recent years wild life has been exposed
to microwaves and radio frequency's radiation signals from various sources, including wireless phones.
Bees have a specific organ for sensing magnetic forces, enabling them to navigate using their own compass.
The claim of the research is that radiations generated by mobile phones are disturbing the life cycle of honeybees
and affecting their reproduction system and honey producing. The research involves testing the behavior of honeybees
away from mobile phones, with a mobile phone in its standby mode and active communication mode.
The results of the experiments verified that mobile phone affect the honeybees' life system.
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio … _Honeybees
«Специалисты из университета Пенджаба(Индия) помещали в пчелиные семьи на 10 мин телефоны,
работавшие на частоте 900 МГц. В результате рабочие особи покинули семьи,
а яйценоскость облученных маток снизилась в 3,5 раза по сравнению с контрольными
— Рыбочкин А.Ф. Воздействие электромагнитных излучений и электрических полей на живые организмы
/ Инновации в пчеловодстве. — Рыбное, 2009.»
Да, как-то слишком уж цинично в свете таких изследований оператору сотовой связи называться BEELINE...
Случайно ли они выбрали такое название?