+89 during the night in Italy
So, as of this, the Milan mayor is closing all schools in Milan and hinterland.
12 cities are in the "red zone", no entry or exit, enforced by the military
and with up to 3 months of jail in case someone wants to fell free again
and go on a little tour. We don't yet know who patient 0 is.
It's almost certain that the Venice Carnival will be canceled.
(sorry for my English, take care fellow padani)
Всего на данный момент уже 137 подтверждённых случая заражения в Италии.
Власти Италии лихорадочно предпринимают всевозможные меры для сдерживания
дальнейшего распространения болезни:
(АНСА) - БОЛОНЬЯ, 23 ФЕВРАЛЯ - приостановка деятельности школ всех уровней,
детских садов, университетов, мероприятий и событий и всех форм объединения
в общественных или частных местах, образовательных поездок и конкурсов.
Это меры, принятые в Эмилии-Романье для противодействия распространению коронавируса,
действуют до 1 марта включительно. Указ был подписан президентом Стефано Боначини
и министром здравоохранения Роберто Сперанцой. По согласованию с местными учреждениями
проводится оценка дальнейших мер в отношении Пьяченцы и территории Пьяченцы.
Руководство всемирно известного миланского оперного театра "Ла Скала" объявило,
что приостанавливает работу на неопределенный срок в связи со вспышкой коронавируса
на севере Италии, сообщает итальянское телевидение.Театр из соображений безопасности приостанавливает работу и будет ждать
дальнейших распоряжений властей.
РИМ. 23 ФЕВРАЛЯ. ИНТЕРФАКС — Власти итальянской области Венето объявили о решении
приостановить карнавал в Венеции в рамках борьбы с распространением коронавируса по стране."С вечера воскресенья запланирована приостановка венецианского карнавала и других
массовых мероприятий, в том числе спортивных. Будут закрыты ярмарки и музеи.
Запрет продлится до 1 марта включительно", — сказал губернатор Венето Лука Дзайя.
Ограничительные меры вступят в силу в полночь по местному времени.
РИМ, 23 февраля. /ТАСС/. Губернатор северной области Фриули-Венеция-Джулия
Массимо Федрига объявил о закрытии на неопределенный срок школ и отмене
всех общественных мероприятий. Об этом сообщает в воскресенье агентство ANSA."Приостанавливаем все мероприятия, в том числе спортивные, и закрываем школы
на всей территории региона на срок, который будет определен позже",
- приводит его слова агентство.
Кроме того, перенесены все спортивные мероприятия, включая
матчи итальянской Серии А, запланированные на воскресенье.
Премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху сообщил в воскресенье
об ужесточении правил въезда в еврейское государство для прибывающих
из Австралии и Италии в связи с распространением нового коронавируса.
В Иране 8 человек уже умерло от короновируса и 43 человека заражены
23 February
время GMT:
16:40: 23 new cases in Italy. (Source)
16:36: 1 new death in Italy. ( Это уже третий умерший в Италии. https://tass.ru/obschestvo/7824253 )
16:15: 4 new cases in the United Kingdom.
They are former passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (Source)
14:38: 1 new death in Hubei province, China. (Source)
12:30: 57 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama,
raising the ship’s total to 691. Among the new cases are 55 crew members and 2 passengers.
Both passengers and 50 of the crew members are asymptomatic. (Source)
12:01: 1 new death in South Korea. (Source)
11:55: 19 new cases in Italy. (Source)
10:54: 1 new death in Japan. The man, who was in his 80s, was a passenger on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (Source 1, Source 2)
10:25: 8 new cases in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. (Source)
09:53: 15 new cases and 3 new deaths in Iran. (Source)
09:25: 2 new cases in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. (Source)
09:19: 34 new cases in Italy. (Source)
08:58: 1 new case in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. (Source)
08:08: 46 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea. (Source)
07:30: 1 new death in Hubei province, China. (Source)
06:50: 2 new cases in Taiwan. (Source)
02:45: 1 new case in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. (Source)
01:57: China’s National Health Commission reports 18 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland,
excluding Hubei province. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the death,
which was in Guangdong province, (Source)
01:15: 95 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea. (Source)
00:18: 25 new cases in South Korea. (Source)
( https://bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/t … rus-cases/ )
судя по публикации в SCMP
Coronavirus: Wuhan to quarantine all cured patients for 14 days after some test positive again
Recovered and discharged people were sent to designated centres from Saturday onwards
Decision follows several instances in which recovered patients were found to be still carrying the virus and able to infect others
https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society … days-after
The authorities in Wuhan on Saturday introduced 14 days’ mandatory quarantine
for recovered coronavirus patients, after some discharged patients again tested positive.From Saturday, all patients who had recovered and been discharged had to be sent
to designated places for two weeks of quarantine and medical observation,
the city’s coronavirus treatment and control command centre said on Weibo,
China’s equivalent of Twitter.Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province, of which it is the capital, have continued to account
for the vast majority of confirmed coronavirus cases in mainland China, where about 77,000
have been infected and more than 2,400 have died.The new quarantine arrangements came after Chinese medical experts on the front line
of the battle to contain the outbreak warned that recovered patients
may still carry the virus and be contagious.China’s Hubei province in full lockdown to combat coronavirus outbreak
Zhao Jianping, a doctor heading a team working in Hubei, said on Thursday that
there had been cases in which patients tested positive after they had seemingly recovered.“This is dangerous,” Zhao was quoted as saying by Southern People Weekly magazine.
“Where do you put those patients? You cannot send them home, because they might infect others,
but you cannot put them in hospital because resources are stretched.”
зафиксированы неединичные случаи когда после излечения и 14-дневного карантина люди
продолжали оставаться вирусоносителями и были способны заражать других...
В Южной Корее ситуация ухудшается... и правительство готовится к "безпрецедентным мерам"...
BREAKING: South Korea to raise virus alert level to red, president says - Yonhap
красный уровень опасности --- это высший.
South Korea has secured 609 hospital beds in the Daegu area and they're working to add 1,000 more - Yonhap
https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comm … by_1_week/
https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN2020022300 … l/national
(Seoul-Saejoing=Yonhap News Agency) National school openings are cancelled by a week to prevent spread of the coronavirus.
The government, on the 23rd, held a briefing at Government Complex Seoul and in a "spread of corona-19 central disaster
HQ meeting hosted by President Moon ", decided to order all kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools and special schools
to delay school openings from March 2nd to March 9th.This order of closing, in accordance with law "감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률", is a measure following the disease alert level being changed to RED.
This is the first time a nationwide school opening delay has taken place.
The Ministry of Education has said that they are considering additional delays with future situations.
открытие школ ( начало учебного нового года ) в Ю.Корее перенесено со 2-го на 9-е марта
для того, чтобы сдержать распространение вируса.
February 22, 2020
Korean nationals who visited Israel, West Bank tested positive for coronavirus (updated)
Via Haaretz.com: Korean nationals who visited Israel, West Bank tested positive for coronavirus.
My question: Why were the Koreans tested and allowed to leave the country before the tests results were known?
Nine South Korean nationals who visited Israel and the West Bank in February have tested positive for the novel coronavirus,
known as COVID-19, Israel's Health Ministry said on Saturday.All 77 members of the group have already returned to South Korea, and at this stage it is unknown
whether they were infected with the virus before or after arriving in Israel.Meanwhile, the ministry's Director General Moshe Bar Siman Tov said Israel has expanded quarantine regulations,
requiring all those returning from South Korea and Japan to remain in isolation for two weeks.